
25 October

I will never say to go with the same old-same old, but I do believe you really need to look at the people who are asking you for their vote.  See what their history is - you don't find many people who were unsuccessful in their private lives who suddenly become successful leaders. 

And I have one hint: left-wing or right-wing ideologues almost never fix any problems. People who get elected to do anything other than run government efficiently and effectively won’t run government efficiently and effectively.  If you elect an ideologue, I can guarantee that 95% of the time they will never be effective.

There is a very good analysis of today's politics and the impact it has on us by Robert Samuelson, today.

We have some very clear choices in who we vote for in South Carolina.  I hope that you will vote for Vincent Sheheen, but whatever you do - Happy Election Day.


8 September

There was an absolutely fantastic opinion piece called “Superbroke, superfrugal, superpower?” in The State newspaper from Thomas Friedman today.  It attempted to crystallize the link between the state of the American economy and our ability to protect and project American interests in the 21st century.  Our economic strength is a national security issue.



16 April

Taxes and campaigns.

Much of this week has been requests from campaigns and media about who has paid their taxes - from the Governor's race to the Columbia Mayor's race (today). Checking on your/your opponents' taxes is as common for a campaign as breathing air for you and me. I am used to it being a fact of life. 

In my job I can only tell you who has and hasn't paid their taxes (it is public information). I make no value judgements on the why's and how's taxes are/aren't paid.

So, whatever you hear with taxes (like every other issue) it is up to the voters' to decide if those things are relevant to who you choose to lead us when you go into the voting booth.

Whatever happens and whatever you decide, vote! Your involvement in the election (and after it) is the only way that our community and state will improve.


12 April

My good friend Steve Benjamin was leading after the election for Mayor last Tuesday night, but state law mandates a run-off election on April 20th - I would love for you to support Steve, but no matter what VOTE! Columbia can have a very bright future if we are all a part of the process and stay involved.

Our office received some recognition for finding tax cheaters last week. You can click here to see the story from WIS-TV. We still have a long way to go, but we are working everyday to find the folks who intentionally cheat. Their actions result in honest taxpayers paying more than they should and that is unacceptable.


3 April

This week has been humbling and quite a relief for both me and my family. The stress of having me gone from home 4 nights a week and Saturdays for the last months of campaigning is hard. I love to say prayers and stories with my children each night and that's just not always possible when you're working for re-election.

The other side of the coin is that I love serving and being out in the community - it is the only way I know how to do my job.  For the next four years, like the previous eight, I will be out-and-about in our community trying to help people and increase awareness of the issues that affect us.

Happy Easter and may God bless you all.  Now, I am blessed to spend the Easter Weekend with my family and I am signing off until next week after I watch the Final Four!